Reign Supreme Care Services are here to assist you with both long-term or respite solutions, providing excellent and professionally trained staff for live-in or live-out care.
Home Care Services
Live-in Home Care
Live-in care can be a perfect solution for people who have more complex needs, or as a stop gap to provide that vital extra support after a hospital stay.
At Reign Supreme our live-in carer can provide company and care around the house to support people to continue living their life in the surroundings they are already comfortable in and without the need to move to a residential care home.
Depending on what your loved one needs, a live-in carer can help with everything from bathing and dressing to domestic activities such as laundry and cooking. They can also be a companion, accompanying your loved one on outings and helping with hobbies.
At Reign Supreme Ltd we think that a live-in carer is a practical and preferable alternative to residential care for most elderly people, helping them to retain their independence in their own home.
Our carers do all they can to support your loved one’s decisions. From the little things that matter such as what to eat for supper, helping to choose what to wear, to maintaining a social life with friends and family and enjoying hobbies such as gardening.
Live-in care is the ideal solution for supporting independent living and avoiding residential care.